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This is the story of our family's commitment to the land. The connection to the beauty, the wildlife, the grass, the crops, the past, the heritage, the traditions, the sunrises, sunsets, the gold colours, the human link with nature and the future. The land of living skies! 


To continue the family tradition of farming, that our records show, goes back to the Lingenfelder Winery, established in 1520, in Großkarlbach, Germany, now owned and operated by Rainer Lingenfelder. 


Our grandfather Sebastian Lingenfelter moved to Saskatchewan in 1915, from the United States of America, and started to farm in southwest Saskatchewan. Sebastian homesteaded at SE 15 - 11 - 17 W3RD in the Rural Municipality of Bone Creek near the town of Simmie.


Sebastian died at a very young age, November 20, 1918 in the great flu and had one son Robert Lingenfelter. Robert married Veronica Harty a daughter of Irish farmers who had immigrated in 1914 from the United States of America.


The President and CEO of CypressView Land is one of the 9 children of Robert and Veronica Lingenfelter and he started his farming career in 1966. 


In 1995 CypressView Land and Cattle Corp. was established.


Rubiela, a lawyer from Bogota Colombia, married Dwain Lingenfelter in Calgary. They now make their home at the headquarters of CypressView. Together they have five children, Sacha in Regina, Matthew in Calgary, Travis in Regina, Link and Hannah in Shaunavon.


Today, CypressView Land and Cattle Corp. owns and operates a successful farm in western Canada and raises a herd of black Angus cattle on a ranch near Cypress Hills and Shaunavon. 


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Lingenfelter Family

Our History

Inspecting the vineyard with Rainer Lingenfelder  at ancestral farm in Großkarlbach, Germany.

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