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Corporate social responsibility 

CypressView Land is a socially responsible family owned, private corporation and we take our corporate social responsibilities (CSR) seriously. 

CypressView Land focuses on three main areas of social responsibility where we believe we can make a difference;  

  1. Reduce our CO2 footprint and recycling 

  2. Safety as a way of life 

  3. Promoting education and lifelong learning


We at CypressView Land are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by reducing CO2 emissions at every opportunity. This includes reducing CO2 emissions in our business and our personal lives and that of our employees and contractors. We do this by always choosing the most environmental approach to accomplishing a work project with the least amount of CO2 emissions.


This includes, but not limited to; 

  • Using the most fuel efficiency equipment possible and right sized to the project. 

  • Using the most fuel efficient vehicles for transportation of products, personnel or for personal use. 

  • Growing and nurturing crops in a manner that will extract the maximum amount of CO2 from the air, fixing the CO2 in the plant and in the seed being produce.

  • Studying ways and mean to reduce  methane gas production produced by our cattle herd.

  • Recycling at CypressView Land is extremely important. Every year, CypressView Land reviews its machinery and equipment and any that is not used or obsolete is sold or recycled, including any scrap metal which is taken to the steel plant in Regina to be melted down and recycled. Plastic chemical totes are sent back to the supplier to be refilled and plastic grain bags are baled and taken to be recycled. 

  • Work with contractors to follow CypressView Land's policy on recycling.  

  • Encourage and work with companies, communities and individuals to reduce and end the use of coal for the production of power. 

2. safety as a way of life


CypressView Land has put a lot of effort and thought into our safety manual and we are very proud of our work in this area. 



Our safety manual has been developed for the purpose of promoting safe work guidelines for management, employees, and contractors. It is well established that safety is not a slogan or merely a meeting, but must become the way we live, an attitude, a daily effort to prevent risk and injury to our employees, our co-workers, our families and ourselves.


We are dedicated to build a safe work policy by which every manager, employee and contractor must abide. Safety awareness reduces accidents, injuries, saves lives, reduces equipment loss and breakdowns. We know that as the result of our safety manual and safety program at CypressView Land it will benefit worker and contractor confidence, lower insurance premiums and enhancement of the image of our company.

Safety at CypressView Land is about action, action to achieve a record of zero accidents.

It is our philosophy that safety and accident prevention go hand-in-hand with good business. Safety does not cost money for CypressView Land, it saves money. However, more importantly it saves lives and human tragedy. At CypressView Land we are determined to make a difference by offering a safe work environment.



In striving to be a responsible and ethical world class Canadian agricultural producer, CypressView Land worked hard in choosing our third issue that we believed deserved our attention. 

After a lot of discussion and thought we came to the conclusion that supporting education, through scholarships, was the best fit for CypressView Land and the best way we can make the most difference in the communities we farm around.

Studies show that worldwide, education has an annual shortfall of funding of 26 billion dollars. We hope our four existing and two proposed scholarships will in a way help six students each year to complete their post-secondary education. This will assist them in becoming contributing members of our community and society.

Our scholarships include;

  1. Shaunavon High School Scholarship, 

  2. Calgary, Mount Royal University, Gordon Lingenfelter Memorial Scholarship,

  3. Consul High School  Scholarship,

  4. Regina University, Dwain Lingenfelter Centennial Scholarship,

  5. Meath Park, Elk Ridge Scholarship (proposed), 

  6. Frontier, CypressView Scholarship (proposed).

  7. Gravelbourg High School. 

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