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CypressView Ranch

CypressView Ranch is located just north of the Canada/USA border. It is unique in that it is the one part of CypressView Land's holdings where you can have a view of mountains. To the south, across the border in Montana, are the beautiful Bear Paw Mountains


CypressView Land and Cattle Corp. and Dwain and Rubiela Lingenfelter have concluded negotiations with the Nature Conservancy of Canada to establish, in conjunction with Environment and Climate Canada, an easement on this ranch. This easement will contribute to maintaining the natural and native flora and fauna native to the Milk River Basin Natural Area.


In the summer CypressView Ranch is home for about 300 cows and calves that are managed with the help of Bryan and Denise Tully. 

Morning view today near the CypressView

A view of the Bear Paws Mountains from the CypressView Ranch.

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The Bison release at Old Man in His Back, near our CypressView Ranch, on May 17, 2004. The release was successfully completed by the Nature Conservancy of Canada with the assistance of the private sector, including Nexen Energy Inc. I had the honour of presenting a cheque to the Nature Conservancy of Canada on behalf of Nexen Energy Inc. as V.P. International Government Relations. 

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Cheque presentation from Nexen Energy Inc. to the Nature Conservancy of Canada as part of their commitment to re-establish bison at Old Man in His Back. 


Speaking at steering committee meeting in regards to The Old Man in His Back Prairie and Heritage Conservation Area meeting. 

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The snowmelt from CypressView Ranch flows into Woodpile Creek, then Lodge Creek, before continuing south flowing into the Milk River, converging with the Missouri River (as per photo) near Fort Benton, Montana on its way to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico.

Photo credited to

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