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Own and operate a successful farm in western Canada near Cypress Hills and in a number of Saskatchewan locations. We grow variety of crops, canola, flax, lentils, chickpeas, barley and wheat.


Our operation also includes over 70 surface lease contracts with energy and pipeline companies including Crescent Point Energy, PineCliff Energy, TransCanada Corp, and Plains Midstream Corp. This will include the new Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to United States which passes through the North Shaunavon Farm.


We have recently signed an easement with the Nature Conservancy of Canada, on our ranch south of the Cypress Hills in the Milk River water shed to protect sensitive areas.


Dwain Lingenfelter served as Vice President of International Government Relations for Nexen Energy Inc., a major international Canadian oil and gas company. He served as Deputy Premier, Leader, and Minister of numerous departments including Economic Development and Agriculture. He also served as President and Chairman of SaskPower Corp, SaskEnergy Corp., TransGas Corp, Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI), Saskatchewan Opportunities Corporation, Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership and member of the Legislative Assembly for the Province of Saskatchewan for 25 years.


Dwain was appointed to the board of directors of the World Petroleum Council (Canada) in January of 2019 and was proud to be part of the winning bid team  in ST. Petersburg  Russia, to hold the 2023 World Petroleum Congress in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 


Along with a proven track record of experience in building businesses and government organizations, Dwain has an excellent international network of contacts in business and government. He has extensive experience in public communications and speaking, networking and stakeholder contact both nationally and at the international level. Dwain has served on a numerous boards and advisory committees.  

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